§ 146-166. Historic preservation advisory board.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is hereby created a board to be known as the city historic preservation advisory board (HPAB). The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the city council and may be comprised of any citizen of the city interested in historic preservation. To the extent possible, the following members should be appointed: architect, city planner or representative of a design profession; historian; licensed real estate broker; attorney; or property owner of a landmark or of a building in a historic district. All board members, regardless of background, shall have a known and demonstrated interest, competence or knowledge of historic preservation within the city.


    Board members shall serve for staggered terms of two years.


    The chairman and vice chairman of the board shall be elected by and from the members of the board and shall serve for a term of one year.


    The board shall have the power to:


    Adopt rules and procedures as necessary to provide for the orderly conduct of board meetings;


    Recommend criteria for the identification of historic, architectural and cultural landmarks;


    Conduct surveys and maintain an inventory of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks and historic districts within the City;


    Maintain written minutes, which record all recommendations and actions taken by the board and the reasons for taking such actions;


    Recommend conferral of recognition upon the owners of landmarks or within districts by means of certificates, plaques or markers;


    Increase public awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by encouraging and participating in public education programs developed by the historic preservation officer;


    Make recommendations to the city concerning the utilization of state, federal or private funds to promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts within the city;


    Recommend the acquisition of landmark structures by the city where its preservation is essential and where private preservation is not feasible;


    Recommend specific design guidelines for the review of landmarks and districts to ensure compatibility within the district; and


    Approve or deny applications for a historic marker under the historic neighborhood improvement zone program. An application denied under this subsection may be appealed to the city council.


    The board shall meet at least monthly if business is at hand. Special meetings may be called at any time as requested by the historic preservation officer. All meetings shall be held in conformance with the Texas Open Meetings Act (V.T.C.A., Government Code ch. 551).


    A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of four of the board's members.

(Code 1982, § 41-235; Ord. No. 2002-08-084, § I.67, 8-20-2002; Ord. No. 2004-01-007, § 3, 1-6-2004; Ord. No. 2007-02-014, § 4, 2-6-2007; Ord. No. 2008-07-066, § 1, 7-14-2008)